Hello again.

Hello, I hope this gets posted. 
I’m not quite sure of how I worded my post but I’ll screen shot this one when I’ve finished just in case. 
I’m so very anxious about my assessment which I think will be in the new year now and worried about what if they don’t believe me? 
I'm in my late sixties so this is indeed a VERY late assessment to be having, so I’m not terrible sure about having it.
It was suggested by a guy I saw for cbt last May. 
I think I’m looking at a greater clarity of my life and also the appropriate medication…..more than anything I “self medicate” to try and alleviate some of my stresses. 

My husband has cancer and although he knows I’ve been put forward for an assessment I don’t want to both or discuss things with him. I’m supposed to be an emotional support for him, not the other way round. 
I’ve no one to discuss my fears with so this is why I’m posting. 
My grateful thanks. 

  • Hello there. I just wanted to pick up on your final paragraph. Firstly, I am sorry your husband has cancer. You say that you don't want to bother and discuss things with him, as you feel you're the one that should be emotionally supporting him. I just wanted to offer a different perspective. If your husband was accustomed to providing you with emotional support prior to his diagnosis, it's possible that he might welcome the opportunity to do it now, as it may help to provide him with a sense of normality and be a welcome distraction from his cancer.

    Please accept my apologies if what I have stated above has caused offence. Also, please continue to reach out for support and advice on this site as and when you need to.

  • Thank you…..no, absolutely no offence caused by your comment. 
    Yes, you are right, he does feel protective towards me and possibly I shouldn’t try and hide my emotions from him. 

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