Does autism get worse over time ?

Hi , my five year old daughter was recently diagnosed with autism , her speech is very delayed and she has many sensory and social issues ,it seems that my daughter is displaying more behavioral issues and (ticks) everyday !! Is this commen at all ? She won't sleep till past 1am and seems to never be tired she has trouble falling to sleep and will keep going until her body physically is drained only then will she drop off.

I haven't had any support since her being diagnosed so would be grateful on any tips on the following issues , sleeping , toileting and also trips to public places, she generally will have a melt down and lie on the pavement and not move for ages when we are out( she does also have  hypermobility syndrome which causes pain's in feet and difficulties walking)  , wind and rain seems to be a big problem for her also, she's also been screaming and hand flapping a lot lately.

When your children was first diagnosed where did you seek support and what helped you?

Thanks in advance.

  • From my personal experience there are two answers to this.  Yes and no.

    Yes the gap between 'normal' children and autistics does get wider because we don't learn the social skills  that our NT pick up naturally.  And we get left behind.  Socially I am still very backward unable to process non verbal cues and sarcasm etc.

    No, because as people get older they get into a rut and slow down learning new skills.  But for autistics there is so much to learn and as adults we discover what NTs knew years ago and we start to catch up and the gap narrows.

    That is just my personal experience.  For others it may be different.

  • From my personal experience there are two answers to this.  Yes and no.

    Yes the gap between 'normal' children and autistics does get wider because we don't learn the social skills  that our NT pick up naturally.  And we get left behind.  Socially I am still very backward unable to process non verbal cues and sarcasm etc.

    No, because as people get older they get into a rut and slow down learning new skills.  But for autistics there is so much to learn and as adults we discover what NTs knew years ago and we start to catch up and the gap narrows.

    That is just my personal experience.  For others it may be different.

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