Professionals blaming parents for childrens' difficulties

Hello everyone. I just thought i would enquire here about something I have seen discussed a few times. It seems to be quite common for parents of children with asd / adhd to be blamed for their childrens' behaviour. I find this quite worrying and troubling. Does anyone here have experience of this? It seems not uncommon judging by how many times its mentioned on groups that I have joined. It just seems quite sad that some professionals do this. Surely its not right or ethical? How can this be changed? 

  • My daughter is going through this right now and we have been blamed as a family, told we dont try hard enough to engage with my 18 month old granddaughter. Which is the furthest from the truth but it is near on impossible to engage with her without subsequent meltdown, we have tried so many exercises and play techniques but she becomes seriously disturbed and often retreats further. 

    Social services on the other hand think that they understand what is going on and have even used the word neglect.

    Im at present fighting this preliminary report. Taking my concerns and complaints to our social workers manager. However I really feel for some parents who dont have the information to be able to do this and live with this guilt.

  • My daughter is going through this right now and we have been blamed as a family, told we dont try hard enough to engage with my 18 month old granddaughter. Which is the furthest from the truth but it is near on impossible to engage with her without subsequent meltdown, we have tried so many exercises and play techniques but she becomes seriously disturbed and often retreats further. 

    Social services on the other hand think that they understand what is going on and have even used the word neglect.

    Im at present fighting this preliminary report. Taking my concerns and complaints to our social workers manager. However I really feel for some parents who dont have the information to be able to do this and live with this guilt.

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