Parents of ASD children - Speech in Infancy?

Hi, hoping to get some views and experiences from other parents of children with ASD. Our little girl is now 2 yrs 2 months old. Officially, she is pre-diagnosis and is due for her Multi-disciplinary Assessment later this year. We have had meetings with the Paediatrician, and all things point towards an ASD diagnosis, which we are prepared for.

Obviously, she is still very young, but we feel it would help us to get the experiences and views of other parents who've already experienced similar to us.

She currently has no words, so no coherent speech. She makes 2-3 repetitive noises, some constantly for long periods. She doesn't really ever mimic us, sometimes when we say "bye" to her, we'll get the occasional "bah" noise, but not the actual word. She doesn't make any attempt to talk to us, and her non-verbal communication isn't good either, i.e. she has never really pointed for anything she wants. She doesn't usually respond to her name, maybe 2-3 times out of 10. She always lacked eye contact as a baby, this has improved slightly but I would guess not to the point of being considered normal. She has good fine motor skills. She was a late walker (18/19 months), she had 'cruised' for a very long time before letting go to walk. She never crawled, and always hated it on her tummy as a baby. Her play seems relatively age-appropriate, and there is no doubting she is intelligent - but very much lacking in social engagement and interaction, which we imagine are stereotypical traits within ASD.

We just wondered, if you're the parent(s) of a child with ASD (or even a now grown-up child), what experiences did you have with speech and language delay (if any)? We've heard stories of some children with ASD not talking until they were 4-5 years old. We haven't heard that first-hand too many times, so would be good to hear from parents themselves.

If your child did have speech/language delay, what things did you do to help/do you feel could help? (i.e. we've tried Makaton, but it just doesn't work with her at this stage). We've done a 'Let's Get Talking' module via the NHS, but it was more about forming strategies for us to encourage speech, but our daughter doesn't seem ready to talk just yet anyway.

As and when your child did start to talk, did they 'catch-up' with their peers, to some degree? Appreciate everyone with an ASD diagnosis is different, but any experiences you can share would be reassuring for us.

Many thanks in advance!

  • Our little girl could say a couple of things age two, as in name a few animals (speech not clear though) but never really used at words to indicate her needs, e.g. drink or No. Hardly ever answered to her name.

    By 3,  She started using a bit of echolalia.  So she would parrot phrases back she heard on the tv.  We were referred for speech therapy, who referred us for assessment and we had our diagnosis age 3.5.  

    The speech and language sessions were really useful as they concentrated on changing our interaction with our daughter.  Tips included using fewer or single words when interacting with her.  Giving a longer pause after you say something to give her the chance to process the word and respond and if no response, modelling the response for her.  If repeating a question, always repeat exact same words, as otherwise to them they are constantly having to process something different.

    We also went on a communication course run by cahms (HV referred us prr-diagnosis)

    It took a long time to for speech to progress to conversation level and whilst I would love to claim a lot of responsibility, the fact she speaks in a slight American accent, shows that you tube was her biggest teacher Flushed

    She is now a chatty six year old, but is still massively behind her peers, in terms of language understanding and word formation.  But we are incredibly proud of how much she has come on, she now gets genuine pleasure from interacting with other children and talking to them, which is a world away from the none talking and interacting two year old we once had.

  • Our little girl could say a couple of things age two, as in name a few animals (speech not clear though) but never really used at words to indicate her needs, e.g. drink or No. Hardly ever answered to her name.

    By 3,  She started using a bit of echolalia.  So she would parrot phrases back she heard on the tv.  We were referred for speech therapy, who referred us for assessment and we had our diagnosis age 3.5.  

    The speech and language sessions were really useful as they concentrated on changing our interaction with our daughter.  Tips included using fewer or single words when interacting with her.  Giving a longer pause after you say something to give her the chance to process the word and respond and if no response, modelling the response for her.  If repeating a question, always repeat exact same words, as otherwise to them they are constantly having to process something different.

    We also went on a communication course run by cahms (HV referred us prr-diagnosis)

    It took a long time to for speech to progress to conversation level and whilst I would love to claim a lot of responsibility, the fact she speaks in a slight American accent, shows that you tube was her biggest teacher Flushed

    She is now a chatty six year old, but is still massively behind her peers, in terms of language understanding and word formation.  But we are incredibly proud of how much she has come on, she now gets genuine pleasure from interacting with other children and talking to them, which is a world away from the none talking and interacting two year old we once had.

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