Are school doing enough? changes and a very concerned mum (who may be overreacting??) any advice would welcome!

Hi there!  

Our son is currently in Y8. After a particularly tough year through the transition of Y6 to Y7, he has struggled with school. He was diagnosed with High Functioning ASD last October and in April of this year, his EHCP was finalised.

After a number of meetings at his current school, it has been suggested by the SENCO that he may be better suited at a school that has an ARP.

His current school have said they can do all they can for him but that isn't working. We had a meeting with the SENCO who let it slip that a senior member of staff had said the our sons pupil plan (the flow chart kind of thing that every teacher has to manage any meltdowns) isn't defined enough.

We now have a second meeting with the school next week of which we think is going to be the 'big one' where they say they can do no more.

I know the anxiety and change is going to be massive for OS and for this I feel extremely emotional.

Do we fight with the school he is at, due to what the senior member of staff said or do we 'do as we are told' and find another school knowing full well the change is going to be ........... ????

Apologies for the long winded post but we are just feeling totally helpless. It feels as though the last two years have been a total waste of time - we don't want to waste anymore.

Thanks for taking the time to read xx

  • Hi there, 

    I am completely new to the site but my daughter is in year 9 and has also struggled and the school has put things in place for her that means she is able to access this school on a part timetable basis at present. I was told that no school can refuse a pupil ? but, this school also stated that if the measures put in place didn't work then maybe another school would be more "appropriate" however, the school they named I know of and it is for children with extreme behaviour problems not ASD. Violent and distructive pupils-totally inappropriate. it is also further away from our home. My daughter is also awaiting a diagnosis still. The waiting list here for this is 16 months. we have about 13 months left to wait. The EHCP is still in process for us thus, am kind of in no man's land here.

    Do you have a quiet space your son can go at the school? At our school there is a place called the causeway where my daughter spends some of her lessons which has massively helped.

    If you strongly want your son to attend this school then i'd keep at them to help him remain if this is possible. Does he have friends/family there? Don't feel you are alone in this. Ask to speak to any teachers of subjects that your son has difficulty with. does he have a call out card? a card that states he's finding something difficult? We were offered a colour coded card to state that things were getting difficult but my daughter wouldn't use it. this went to a red and green piece of card, she found difficult again so I asked for us to be able to practice in a class room.  This still isn't something she finds is easy so a suggestion was brought up in a TAF meeting of a key ring. CAMHS has helped with giving her her own space to make one she may use. She chose a manga character and hopefully this may help.

    We just did mock exams at home the last two weeks (very unlikely she'll be doing them in the school hall like everyone else) it didn't go great but,  at least it was less stressful for her.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi x  Thanks for your response.  The more I read and dig into information, I feel it's a staffing issue where they don't understand OS individual needs.  According to school, they have quite a few students with ASD.  OS has HF ASD and given the correct guidance and support, he'll get there.  I feel a battle coming on!! Thanks again for taking time to respond xx

  • Hi x  Thanks for your response.  The more I read and dig into information, I feel it's a staffing issue where they don't understand OS individual needs.  According to school, they have quite a few students with ASD.  OS has HF ASD and given the correct guidance and support, he'll get there.  I feel a battle coming on!! Thanks again for taking time to respond xx

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