Should I apply for an EHCP


im wondering if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction please,

our daughter has been diagnosed with autism, OCD and chronic tic disorder 

at school she is apparently hitting the national average and therefore school

state there is no evidence to support an application at present for an EHCP.

she suffers severely at school and great that she is making the grade however it's the other areas she is struggling in i.e social communication etc so because she is making the grades does this mean we would t stand a chance if we applied for an EHCP.

kind regards

  • PS I've always been told he is doing "fine" at school but when you add up all the behaviour like not cooperating, damaging equipmen, damaging clothes, verbally perseve it doesn't add up to "fine" so I think this is the "evidence" that's needed. The school can't claim on that crit but parents can

  • PS I've always been told he is doing "fine" at school but when you add up all the behaviour like not cooperating, damaging equipmen, damaging clothes, verbally perseve it doesn't add up to "fine" so I think this is the "evidence" that's needed. The school can't claim on that crit but parents can

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