Teenage daughter undressing

Hi everyone, havent been here for a while as things were going as smoothly as possible, but I really need some advice. My step daughter who is 17 has been acting so strange for the last couple of weeks, she has now started to walk around naked and will even start to undress even in front of us all in the living room, we have explained as best we can for her to understand that this is innapropriate, she has been acting strange in school aswell. She says things like everyones going backwards but doesnt know what she means, her tics have increased, its just totally as if she is a different person. It is so awkward as she thinks nothing of doing this infront of her 14yr old brother and her dad. She says she cant walk from one room to another, just stating she cant do it. It is all so odd, we are desperately worried as obvioulsy we know our daughter and none of this is normal for her. She says she knows she is doing weird things but cant give an answer as to why. Please can anyone shed any light and the sudden change, if it was gradual it would be easier to understand but this has happened so suddenly, :(.

  • Some thoughts.. 

    My view is that all behaviour has a reason, whether or not the person is aware of it, or whether the reason might be something completely batty to anyone else. 

    The sudden onset suggests to me some confusing change of consciousness or sensory issue. Naked may just feel better than clothed. 

    Has she started/changed any medication, or going through late puberty or premature menopause? Some medication can cause horrific skin crawling sensations, as can certain vitamin/mineral imbalances, and hormone dysfunctions. What type of clothes does she wear? Could she be finding them scratchy or sweaty? What is her diet like - eg have you tried excluding gluten and/or cows milk?

    Re not walking from one room to another, does she do this at school too? If not, why not? Are you able to ask her not *why* she does it, but at what point in the room does the feeling start? And where in her body does she feel the feeling? Does it have a shape, or a colour? There may be a pattern, or a trigger.

    And this might sound completely off the wall, but could she be very sensitive to electrical fields eg wifi? Has anything been moved/installed in your house recently?

    Also, do you think she might communicate her difficulties more by writing her feelings down? Could you leave a diary somewhere, or communicate by Skype or email? 

    If you can find a means of communication, could you ask her what would it take for her to keep her clothes on? ie instead of the "stick" - telling her not to do something, ask what the "carrot" might be? 

    IMO the main danger here is that so-called professionals will probably end up diagnosing her as psychotic and medicate her. Which in the absence of other intervention is about as much use as disconnecting the oil light in your car. 

    I am a fan of the Brain Bio Centre - although am aware there are plenty of skeptics who disagree and are out to trash anything Patrick Holford touches!

  • Some thoughts.. 

    My view is that all behaviour has a reason, whether or not the person is aware of it, or whether the reason might be something completely batty to anyone else. 

    The sudden onset suggests to me some confusing change of consciousness or sensory issue. Naked may just feel better than clothed. 

    Has she started/changed any medication, or going through late puberty or premature menopause? Some medication can cause horrific skin crawling sensations, as can certain vitamin/mineral imbalances, and hormone dysfunctions. What type of clothes does she wear? Could she be finding them scratchy or sweaty? What is her diet like - eg have you tried excluding gluten and/or cows milk?

    Re not walking from one room to another, does she do this at school too? If not, why not? Are you able to ask her not *why* she does it, but at what point in the room does the feeling start? And where in her body does she feel the feeling? Does it have a shape, or a colour? There may be a pattern, or a trigger.

    And this might sound completely off the wall, but could she be very sensitive to electrical fields eg wifi? Has anything been moved/installed in your house recently?

    Also, do you think she might communicate her difficulties more by writing her feelings down? Could you leave a diary somewhere, or communicate by Skype or email? 

    If you can find a means of communication, could you ask her what would it take for her to keep her clothes on? ie instead of the "stick" - telling her not to do something, ask what the "carrot" might be? 

    IMO the main danger here is that so-called professionals will probably end up diagnosing her as psychotic and medicate her. Which in the absence of other intervention is about as much use as disconnecting the oil light in your car. 

    I am a fan of the Brain Bio Centre - although am aware there are plenty of skeptics who disagree and are out to trash anything Patrick Holford touches!

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