Help what do I do? Parent of 29 yr old autistic son

Long story short but I am desperate for advice of how to navigate helping my son.  I have MS so struggle with my health so have taken my eye off the ball so to speak as well as my husband shoes focus has been me.

My son has a diagnosis of Autism in ‘21 and ADHD not diagnosed.

He is not working and has income, he finally agreed to let me apply for PIP for him but not hopeful as only supporting evidence is the report diagnosing Autism. He will not go to the doctors.

Homelife is difficult as he is awake all night scrolling and sleeping all day sometimes getting up as late as 6pm. We have tried getting him up, he is depressed and binge drinks at times.

His mood has always been low even as a child.  

We don’t have anybody to ask, I had an appt with my MS nurse and she is going to email me something.  Obviously it’s not her job but she can see it affects my health.

Any advice greatly received, thank you