My daughter, Chloe, 18, struggles to wait for long periods of time especially when she doesn't know for how long.
This comes into play mainly when she, her sister, and her sister's 2 friends are going out. Her friends and sister are very good understanding her needs, also because on of the friends is autistic too. Unfortunately there are a lot of times where they spontaneously plan to go out but need to wait for one or more people to get home first because they have plans before hands.
Chloe really struggles to wait when she doesn't know how long she needs to wait. She now has meltdowns because of it. She doesn't know what to do when she waits because she doesn't know how long she will be waiting for therefore doesn't know if she has time to watch an episode of something, have dinner or lunch, shower, etc.
What can I do to help her with waiting?