Going on holiday

We are going on one of the longest holidays yet. 10 days in Cyprus. We are all very excited but anxieties linger with how our 18 y.o autistic daughter will cope because there is a lot of change. We are staying in my uncles villa. 

Our concerns are: 

1. The heat. Chloe struggles to understand weather appropriate clothing. We have gone shopping for shorts mainly and nothing fits her or it irritates her so don't know what to do about that? There is a swimming pool which I don't know if she'll use but that will cool her down. 

2. Suncream. I need to go over the rules of what we can take with us or not. We have a non-stick spray suncream which she uses but if we can't take it, she will likely refuse anything else. 

3. The airport. This is probably the biggest one. We leave home early hours of the morning. It is a change in her routine however she is barely sleeping at the moment so I'm hoping it will work in our favours. Airports are busy, noisy and sensory hell for her. We are taking her lanyard to explain she has autism. She will have her ear defenders, music and sensory toys. Anything else we could take? 

Im hopefully just worrying for no reason but I like to be prepared with her. Chloe loves drives, especially at night so that is calming for her before the airport. On the plane, we will all hopefully sleep so I'm hoping it will be quiet for her. Then getting off the plane is another drive, which is calming. Then exploring the villa and settling in for the first day. 

Is there anything anyone can think about that could trigger meltdowns or shutdowns or just any anxiety? And how can we as a family support her? 



  • Can you take larger bottles of stuff like suncream as "hold luggage" rather than carry on luggage?

    What about sarongs or sundresses that are loose? Or linen trousers and shirts?

    Sorry I'm a bit crap at holidays, I always feel like I need a holiday to recover from the one I've just had.

  • Can you take larger bottles of stuff like suncream as "hold luggage" rather than carry on luggage?

    What about sarongs or sundresses that are loose? Or linen trousers and shirts?

    Sorry I'm a bit crap at holidays, I always feel like I need a holiday to recover from the one I've just had.

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