School refusal

My son is nearly 13 and completely refusing to get out of bed in the morning he is 5ft 8 he’s a big lad and I don’t know what to do school threaten me with legal action etc and it just gives me so so much anxiety but I will not man handle my son to get him into school he’s completely shutting down. 

does anyone else experience this ??

many thanks x 

  • Hi there I am in the same position. My daughter, not yet officially diagnosed as the wait time is horrendous as i am sure you are all aware She is 14 and has not attended school since December 2023. Its extremely stressful. I have been in constant communication with the school about all this for the first 8 months we gave her a break as she just was not in the right frame of mind for study. We then introduced a 4 week period where she would attend 1 hour per week, sadly this did not work out but only due to transport issues which i informed the school of, but when we went in for meeting i am now being referred to social work apparently for support but this is down to non engagement with the school and the failure of the 4 week trial, despite me continually updating the school and it was transport issue and not my daughter not wanting to go. Any way its just caused more anxiety and stress for my daughter and myself. Has anyone else experienced any of this with the school? I am glad i found this site as i have been really struggling to navigate all these new things my child is experiencing and how to actually handle it. 

  • Hi there I am in the same position. My daughter, not yet officially diagnosed as the wait time is horrendous as i am sure you are all aware She is 14 and has not attended school since December 2023. Its extremely stressful. I have been in constant communication with the school about all this for the first 8 months we gave her a break as she just was not in the right frame of mind for study. We then introduced a 4 week period where she would attend 1 hour per week, sadly this did not work out but only due to transport issues which i informed the school of, but when we went in for meeting i am now being referred to social work apparently for support but this is down to non engagement with the school and the failure of the 4 week trial, despite me continually updating the school and it was transport issue and not my daughter not wanting to go. Any way its just caused more anxiety and stress for my daughter and myself. Has anyone else experienced any of this with the school? I am glad i found this site as i have been really struggling to navigate all these new things my child is experiencing and how to actually handle it. 

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