Advice please

I'm a mum to an nearly 10yr old boy I'm so angry hurt upset all the emotions really. He had a day of school today.

Turns out at school someone has told him he should be ashamed to have autism and the's a cure for people like him.

Why would anyone say that my son is perfect as God made him. I'm ADHD Myself so know all to well what it's like to be made to feel ashamed of something that isn't my faullt.

I'm honestly just so puzzled as to why people have to be so mean Weary 

  • People can be ignorant, unaware and cruel. Selfish, presumptuous and arrogant.  Help him learn the phrase "you don't know what you're talking about" or "if you can't say anything nice, try silence". Or "no one died and made you G-d". Or better still, "There's not, but there is a cure for ignorance and judgementalism". 

  • People can be ignorant, unaware and cruel. Selfish, presumptuous and arrogant.  Help him learn the phrase "you don't know what you're talking about" or "if you can't say anything nice, try silence". Or "no one died and made you G-d". Or better still, "There's not, but there is a cure for ignorance and judgementalism". 

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