Hi there I have two sons age 8&10. Both have autism and combined type ADHD. We have gone down the route of medication but it's not working out great. Both are home educated due to school anxiety.

Son 8 suffers a lot with anxiety and OCD, I feel like the stimulants have made this worse. It hasn't affected his appetite.

Son 10 , it has made him more withdrawn and killed his appetite totally. He has ARFID so I am very worried it turns into an eating disorder. 

Wondering if anyone else has been in this situation, psychiatrist wants to try non stimulant medication now but I'm wondering if this is all worth it? Any words of wisdom? Thanks. 

  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    Unfortunately, the rules here that mean that we, as fellow forum users, can't give medical advice - and can instead only suggest that you seek it from a professional:

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  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    Unfortunately, the rules here that mean that we, as fellow forum users, can't give medical advice - and can instead only suggest that you seek it from a professional:

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    13. Users should not provide medical or legal advice to other users. Giving medical or legal advice can have serious consequences, even if you’re trying to help another member. Please suggest they get advice from a professional.  

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