early Intervention

Hi! I have a three year old who is awaiting diagnosis however has many traits. He is also waiting speech and language therapy however im not sure on how effective that will be

i am trying/wanting to do early intervention however not too sure what to do and what is best.. is anyone in a similar situation or gone through this and has seen improvements? Needing some words of encouragement!

  • It depends what you mean by "interventions". I associate that word with things like trying to forcibly get someone out of a rut of negative behaviours - toxic relationships, or addictions. As I understand it, there's not much scope for changing or "curing" autism; it's a development disorder, ie., not amenable to anything like "treatment". That said, there IS a lot thst can be done both to ensure child's environment is safe, secure and as nurturing and supportive as possible, and in helping them to understand themselves and why some things in life may be more difficult for them than others. Knowledge is power, and so on and so forth...

    Hth. And I'm just a random person, so take my comments with appropriate levels of scepticism! 

  • Three is young. What traits do you see? What improvements are you hoping for?

    My nephew didn't speak much till four when he suddenly started talking in fully formed sentences. As children, we master one thing at a time, even sometimes stop working on one thing to focus on another. Autistics don't multi-task exactly and whenever I was forced to I became accident prone. Somewhere in my 30s I learned to not allow others to push me this way. I would've thrived at school with one or 2 subjects a day, maybe a break here or there. But we learn different and once I was able to focus on one thing at a time, I found I learned better, and the results were better. Too many interruptions can be kryptonite to Autistics.