ASD/Asperger's not diagnosed for son. This is absolutely wrong and need to appeal.


I'm new on here and have been searching for any support when appealing a decision for ASD.

My son has definitely got the social issues relating to ASD.

We've had the Assessments from a service the NHS have commissioned.

I was not happy with their updates/transparency/communication.

They have stipulated his social awkwardness and complexities yet stated he isn't likely to be ASD.

Does anyone have any experience of appealing a decision or signposting to anyone who can help please?

I don't want to do my son a disservice and not say the right things/terminologies etc.

Many thanks in advance, 

  • Hi K

    I'm sorry to hear that things haven't gone as expected for your son.

    I suggest that you follow the NAS advice here: 

    "If you disagree with the outcome of the assessment, you may want to raise your concerns directly with the team of professionals who assessed you. You can consider requesting a second opinion by going to your GP if you have had an assessment through the NHS. "

    From: What happens during an autism assessment - NAS

  • Hi K

    I'm sorry to hear that things haven't gone as expected for your son.

    I suggest that you follow the NAS advice here: 

    "If you disagree with the outcome of the assessment, you may want to raise your concerns directly with the team of professionals who assessed you. You can consider requesting a second opinion by going to your GP if you have had an assessment through the NHS. "

    From: What happens during an autism assessment - NAS

  • Thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it.

    I have requested an appeal from the team but wondered if there was any advice on what things I need to say/cover to ensure I have given him the best chance..

    Thank you again :-)
