
Hi, i have a three year old who is waiting a diagnosis. I was wondering what funding is available for my child? I wanted him to start ABA therapy however it is soo expensive. 

has anyone got an EHCP, did you apply yourself or through school? Ive heard that you can request for break down of funding and use it as per your discretion? Also how much roughly is the funding 


  • ABA works on several Axioms which align with how Non-Autistics perceive and understand the world. ABA is based on some ideas in psychology, but it's very limited. In fact, digging back historically, Freud, Jung, Lacan all found that Autistics weren't being Socially Programmed the same as their peers. At the time, they acknowledged the limits of science. But what was noticeable were a few specific differences: the inability to dull ones senses and a difference in how Autistics mature. 

    If we fast forward, we now have a great deal of neuroscience and research papers suggesting there is a biological difference as to why Autistics don't desensitise the same and that, while we can use artistic forms of "Language" similar through art, music or theatre, we tend to use vocabulary as a function or utility rather than a symbolic social-linguistics. There are theories about why this is, but it seems to me we're much more Right hemisphere dominant than Left. There's even an evolutionary advantage to not catching these social linguistics such as never being subject to 'mass hypnosis'. 

    ABA not only fails to acknowledge what early psychoanalysts have found, but fails to stay up on the modern research on how we simply have a different way of thinking, perceiving and understanding the world. And while I might be able to learn ethics and a bit of theatre tools to aid social engagements, it's always draining because I'm working extra hard. This 'extra hard' has never changed now I'm near 50. And society doesn't return the favour, this is where the Double Empathy problem comes in. 

    Individuals my age are just now starting to speak up on the trauma inflicted from ABA they were subject to. 

    Imagine you're near sighted but demanded you see far without glasses. Or naturally musically inclined, but your hands are tied every time you start playing an instrument. Or naturally gifted at science but stuck in a civilisation that locks up budding scientists. This is ABA. They have little respect for Autistic Inertia, for our ability to study in depths, our natural slow thinking rather than fast, for our natural state of seeing patterns and a vivid imagination (right brain) instead of easily understanding social linguistics (left brain). The reality is we can't have it both ways, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Humans have natural skills and talents and not everyone is the same, and for good reason. ABA fails to make a basic connexion between perfectly lined trees at parks, neat rows of grocery isles, colour coordinated car lots - and how autistic children love to get lost in natural aesthetic. They fail to hear a society bulging with self help books on how to 'get in the moment' and demand autistics get out of it. These are two opposing hemisphere functions of the brain. ABA fails to recognise how a society without art plunges into a bit of chaos all while prohibiting Autistic communication in the forms of creative arts where we might first thrive before attempting to work with vocabulary. 

    I could go on. ABA isn't built on sound psychology, if barely any psychology at all! Encourage your child to explore and play - it is free uninterrupted play which builds the human. One can learn an art of socialising through Ethics and Theatre, which is really all it is anyway. 

  • Hi 

    Thank you for replying! apologies as i did not realise i had down voted you, i was using my phone and new to this site. 

  • Hi

    You might find the following resources helpful in explaining your options:

    Extra help at school in England

    Articles under this section include (but are not limited to):

    • Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
    • Local offer 
    • Personal budgets and direct payments in education

    For other areas of the UK, see this link.

    For a wider range of education-related help and advice, see:


    PS. My previous empty post (which you've downvoted for some reason) was originally posted in error, which is I why I quickly withdrew it (we can't actually delete posts), in case that's unclear.

  • Thanks for the response! Have you experienced or known anyone whis done Aba who felt it was damaging? 

  • My personal view is that ABA is extremely damaging but that's just me.