Back to school earlier than expected

Hi There, my son has just discovered he has to return to school a day earlier than expected.

  1. He is refusing to go.  Sadly the school are expecting him to be there on time due to past history of him not being able to go to school because of anxiety. He will be starting A levels after a year off. Any suggestions of how we can get him in to school so he doesn't lose his place?
  • Guessing it's a bit of demand avoidance and/or an autonomy issue as someone's just told him the plan changed?

    For me when that kicks in I just need a little time to cool down and  process it and realise it's not "what changed" but the fact that it "did change" that I've gone into fight or flight mode over.

  • Guessing it's a bit of demand avoidance and/or an autonomy issue as someone's just told him the plan changed?

    For me when that kicks in I just need a little time to cool down and  process it and realise it's not "what changed" but the fact that it "did change" that I've gone into fight or flight mode over.

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