Exclusion / school can no longer meet child’s needs

Our son is 9 and due to move into year 5. He has been diagnosed with pda autism and can disregulate in stress or competition situations. During year 3 we had a loose ehcp definition and the new school leadership removed his one to one . He then deteriorated. We got the one to one reinstated and during year 4 he has been recovering and doing well. Unfortunately he got covid in July and hit his one to one . The school then said he was at threat of permanent exclusion. A week later , despite us having met the school and asking him not to be in competitive play, he hit a child. They brought us in and said that it was a permanent exclusion worthy incident, but they won’t exclude him but can no longer meet his needs . He’s excluded for 10.5 days into the new term and we have an emergency review meeting with the school the LA to discuss what comes next . We are worried that the school no longer want him and he will be without a school for an extended period of time. We are open to another mainstream school or specialist school but would like time to be able to look at other schools and not be forced into the first school that comes up as it might not be the best for him. Does anyone have any experience or advice ?

  • Hi NAS95638,

    Sorry to hear that you've been having issues with your son's school and that the school can no longer meet his needs. We have some information on our advice hub you might want to have a look at in the Education section - https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/education - I would particularly recommend the sections titled 'Education choices', 'Education: exclusion' and 'Resolving differences' which can help inform you of your rights, available choices, and give advice on resolving conflicts with the school if that is still an option.

    Hope this is of some help,
    Ross - mod

  • Hi NAS95638,

    Sorry to hear that you've been having issues with your son's school and that the school can no longer meet his needs. We have some information on our advice hub you might want to have a look at in the Education section - https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/education - I would particularly recommend the sections titled 'Education choices', 'Education: exclusion' and 'Resolving differences' which can help inform you of your rights, available choices, and give advice on resolving conflicts with the school if that is still an option.

    Hope this is of some help,
    Ross - mod

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