PDA Teen disappointing GSCE results and mental health

My teen has been completely derailed by his GCSE results and can no longer pursue the course he had been preparing for. He has shut down and refuses to speak to friends or leave the house. He won’t consider any other options. Can anyone offer advice on Where can I get help and what can we do in this situation? Thank you.

  • Hello, I got in touch with my local authority and my daughter was declared NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). They gave me a case worker who offered support and advise - signposting me to different provisions that support in these situations. Maybe try to visualise a path from A to B that is a straight line and one with many strands, bends and curves, he is on the bendy route. The straight line does not work for all of us. Acknowledge his disappointment and try to explain that you are there to support. 

  • Sorry to hear the difficult news. You don't say what the career was. Is it possible to retake the exams? Not sure how it works for GCSEs but I failed some of A levels years ago and was able to retake them. Was the intention to do A levels at school or go on a college course? Just wondering if your local college has any options.