
My son is 8 has ASC and language delay.  I’ve noticed he says waterlemon instead of watermelon and ice cream leaf instead of  nice green leaf.  Is this autism or something else?

  • My autistic daughter called chips 'shishy fips', chocolate, 'locky' and her sister Laura, 'Lawley', for some time. I just think it is a developmental stage that most children go through before the brain, vocal chords, tongue and lips become fully co-ordinated. Some sounds, and sound combinations, are more difficult to make than others

  • My autistic daughter called chips 'shishy fips', chocolate, 'locky' and her sister Laura, 'Lawley', for some time. I just think it is a developmental stage that most children go through before the brain, vocal chords, tongue and lips become fully co-ordinated. Some sounds, and sound combinations, are more difficult to make than others

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