Advice from parents on this journey for a longer time

Hello. I'm a Brazilian woman, living in Brazil and married to an English citizen. Our 3yo is autistic. In fact, the three of us are.

Even though I've suffered big time in my childhood and adult life due to undiagnosed ASD, I struggle DAILY to accept my child in the way she is. I understand that when I was a child nobody knew about autism and here in Brazil he's been receiving proper treatment since 1year and 10 months, but (everyone will judge me now, and I'm sorry)

It hurts me so bad to have an ASD child...she is also ADHD, and we are investigating ODD as well. I don't know how to get into acceptance and I try it very hard. Idk if this will ever happen. I've been on meds for a while now due to depression and lack of acceptance but it's really now helping and neither are the therapists. 

She's our only child and I know it's considered ableism...but I'd just like to have a neurotipycal child sometimes.

Any positive comments are welcome.

I really appreciate it.