Hi there 

I’m in that awful limbo period, having applied for DLA and awaiting the outcome, but I’m getting a lot of mixed messages from other SEN parents as to whether we’ll be successful, ranging from “I think you’ll get the highest rate”, to “It’ll be rejected and you’ll have to appeal”. 

My question is, how common is it that DLA claims are rejected, and should I expect to have to prove certain elements of it? Is it the norm for them to come back to you with questions? (I couldn’t have been more thorough and comprehensive with my answers on the form). 

My boy is six, with diagnosed ASD and DCD.

Thank you Pray

  • Good evening! 

    I don't understand why people worry about this. Just fill the form in the best you can and send it off, they do the rest. If you don't agree with them ask for a MR. 

    When I did my sons very first one, I had no evidence, no diagnosis, no nothing. A man called me from DLA (on private number, some people don't answer and they have to call back and that just takes forever). He literally just said, so what's going on and I said what's going on. He said it sounds like you are at the very beginning of your Autism journey and that was that. All done, took around 2mins. I did my sons second one this year, which took them alot longer as they are so behind but said basically the same but we have diagnosis now.

    Even if you get rejected, or don't agree and appeal. You can always reapply.

    If they want more evidence or paperwork, they will call, if they want more they will call. Remember that, they will call if they feel they need more. You said you were thorough, mine was not, I'm naturally a flakey and all over the place person. I basically scribbled the basics and didn't even let them contact the school. 
