
Hello community,

I am after a little bit of advice please has anyone had any positive experiences using nootropic treatments by way of helping with low self esteem and general low mood and motivation?  
Do nootropics help in any way? I have been doing some research but it seems that these are focused around helping those with ADHD.  I can’t seem to find much information about how this can help people with autistic traits.  My daughter has basically given up on life.  She’s doesn’t go out or see anyone.  She dislikes being around people including family and spends all day in her bedroom with the curtains shut.  She gets verbally aggressive with me when I try and approach the subject.  Both myself and my husband are extremely concerned about her.  She is currently on the pathway but as you know it’s a long long road.  She has had blood tests and is low in Iron and vitamin D which we are now trying to correct.  I am desperate to help her.  Has anyone got any information on this or can point me in the right direction please.  Thank you 

  • Feel Güd has gummies, my son takes the mushrooms with Lion's Mane, which are the Nootropics (and contain building blocks for GABA), but they also have an Ashwaganda and design them to take together, which can boost Vit D. I wouldn't take an added D supplement on top of this though.

    I've been taking a mushroom compound for almost 15 years now and it boosts immune system, gut-health, decreases a bioloigcal 'anxiety' and can aid mood. Also, it doesn't interfere with anything. Of course, I do usually ask if she's been put on antidepressants which can make it worse, as they further lower GABA.

    Self esteem, however, is a complex issue involving a collection of details and real problems. Recently I've found this psychology of well-being quite impressive: Sometimes, we also just need to go through down periods of time, do things which nurture the self and find inspiration. We need to focus on what we can do, which school doesn't always help with. And we all need a little ethics + growth guides for becoming. Would she garden? Take on a project? We need real, not imagined hope. Sometimes just a bigger perspective and something worthwile to work toward. But I think the hardest thing for teens is that they're 'waking up' in to an overwhelming reality. It's a bleak journey... I just let my son be dark and dreary, it was Tim Burton for most of those years, so I bought him the merch. Just went with it. :)

    As for the iron, this can be tricky, as it seems we can have absorption issues. But I did start taking a meat based vitamin (APE nutrition) even though I eat meat daily. According to a great deal of somewhat less modern understanding of diet, when grains, certain nuts (seeds/drupes - not true nuts) and legumes aren't soaked properly, they can interfere with absorption and actually rob minerals from the body (anti-nutrients). If autistics do have absorption issues for still yet unknown reasons, these would be even worse for us. I have come across medical papers suggesting a more paleo / keto diet - but within reason. Everything in moderation: listen to your body first. x

  • Thank you for this.  The part where you mention the ‘bleak journey’ feels like exactly where we are right now.  I understand to just go with it, but it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel as such. The diet is definitely something I can work on.  As is the supplements but that is as far as it goes.  I am hoping that she will come out the other side.  I am finding this site a valuable source of information and comfort so I thank you in taking the time to reply.

  • Thank you for this.  The part where you mention the ‘bleak journey’ feels like exactly where we are right now.  I understand to just go with it, but it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel as such. The diet is definitely something I can work on.  As is the supplements but that is as far as it goes.  I am hoping that she will come out the other side.  I am finding this site a valuable source of information and comfort so I thank you in taking the time to reply.

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