Recently been diagnosed with autism and ADHD

Hi my name is Leah and I recently had my diagnoses with autism and ADHD I also  have a learning disability as well but I am writing this as I need some advice and help, because I’m not sure how I am feeling I  always struggle with my emotions and I can never explain how I’m feeling because i always find it difficult, to express how I am feeling and when my mom asked me I could never tell how because i didn’t know how to explain,I also struggle with socialising I was never good at it I always struggle making friends I rather be on my own, I would also let my mom do the talking as I was to scared or shy I sometimes wonder that I could be normal as I struggle day to day life but I keep it to myself so know one would know as I like to hide my emotions and don’t show it but deep down I just want to cry and tell someone but I would have a fear of someone judging me saying that it’s nothing and to move past it, I would tell my mom but I find it hard to tell her and put it in to words where typing this is lot easier, but I also wonder to be a average adult because of my learning disability my mind is of a young child so I like do childish things and I also like to stay home but my mom always say I just go out more but again I don’t like going out i always have a fear everyone just looking at me as I suffer from anxiety as well so that’s another struggle, I also work I’m a support worker I do a lot of hours and it can be draining to the point that I don’t have any energy but I love the clients that I help and support them, but when I’m off I just like to do something as I don’t have to energy and I’m just so tired, and I rather just sleep and stay in my room as I call that my safe space, I do have a lot to so but I won’t say them as it’s long and I don’t want to waste any one time reading this but thank you. 

  • I echo all that Number has said. I could not have put it better even if I tried. I'm relatively new here but have found a lot of strength and sometimes laughter just by contributing my lived truths

  • I echo all that Number has said. I could not have put it better even if I tried. I'm relatively new here but have found a lot of strength and sometimes laughter just by contributing my lived truths

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