Sensory disorder?


My 6 year old daughter is having daily meltdowns from not feeling clean after going to the toilet and will wipe excessively. She will no longer leave the house for fear of needing the toilet elsewhere. She won't wear any clothes, not pants either. We have tried all practical support e.g.wet wipes, shower/bath after, works for a while then stopped and made it worse. The meltdowns are aggressive and losing control, screaming, shouting, kicking and hitting me, banging doors throwing objects and hitting herself,just in complete despair and asking me to kill her as she can't take it any more. Getting support from CAMHS for anxiety but still awaiting reply for referrals from neuro diversity and sensory. She also has food aversion which hospitalised her 2 months ago. 

Anyone had similar experience? Does this sound like sensory disorder? Anyone know how to calm/reduce this intense sensation she has on her skin? 

  1. Thank you so much for reading this.
  • It doesn’t sound like sensory issues to me. It does sound like bowel issues though. It sounds like she is not fully emptying the bowels. Because of the excessive wiping. This could mean constipation which would make sense as this is very common in autistic people. The constipation if it is that could also be causing the anxiety. If it is the constipation causing these issues it would be best to consult with a GP about any bowel issues your daughter may be having. They can recommend laxatives that may help. I hope this helps. There are also a number of books that go into detail about common issues autistic people face on a day to day basis particularly food related issues and how to resolve them.

  • It doesn’t sound like sensory issues to me. It does sound like bowel issues though. It sounds like she is not fully emptying the bowels. Because of the excessive wiping. This could mean constipation which would make sense as this is very common in autistic people. The constipation if it is that could also be causing the anxiety. If it is the constipation causing these issues it would be best to consult with a GP about any bowel issues your daughter may be having. They can recommend laxatives that may help. I hope this helps. There are also a number of books that go into detail about common issues autistic people face on a day to day basis particularly food related issues and how to resolve them.

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