My daughter's leavers note (feel free to read). It has melted my heart

This has been written/typed by Chloe, who is leaving school next week. I wanted to share it because...just read it, if you wish too!

To [school], 

My time here as come to an end.

I never ever knew I would have a happy, positive time in school, but you made this happen. I've never felt this safe and accepted before.  

When I first joined [school], I was in crisis. All the other schools gave up on me (one gave up within 12 hours of me being there, what a record!) and at the start, I wasn’t sure if you were going to join that list or not. You didn’t, and I’m so grateful for that. You made school a safe place and I never wanted to miss a day. Even when things were tough, I would always show up and give it my best, no matter how I was feeling. [school] has a special place in my heart! 

You taught me well academically but most importantly you taught me to never give up, no matter how difficult and dark things get. One wise person once said, “no matter how dark things get, there is always light but sometimes we need help finding it”. Without realising, you staff saved my life multiple times, whether that was just a friendly smile, a “good morning” or sitting with me on my tricky days. On the days I wanted to give up life completely, your voices would pop into my head and remind me that there are people who love and care about me, and although things get tricky, they always get better. 

You stuck by my side through everything, even when I tried pushing you away and made it difficult to do so.  

You taught me how to express and feel my emotions in a safe, positive way, although this took a lot of time! You taught me how to love, accept and understand myself. You taught me that the past doesn’t define who I am.  

I will remember the tricky days but also the days where we would cry with laughter, make a fool of ourselves, and enjoy the times we had with each other just sitting in silence. You never failed to put a smile on my face, and always found a way to make me feel better, even if it was just a little bit. It’s been quite a journey, but it’s been fun and rewarding! You have created many memories that I will never forget. 

I shared many huge achievements with you; passing my theory and driving test (1st time, may I add!), getting a job (better pay than yours), buying a car, my 18th birthday, let’s not forget how much I have matured, and I’m proud and grateful that I could share these with you! 

I can’t explain how much I love [school], both the staff and the students. I have loved watching everyone grow and develop their skills, including myself. I’ve never said this, but I am proud of all you staff and how much effort and hard work you put in daily to make us students feel safe, accepted, welcome and everything else. It doesn’t go unnoticed. We all appreciate and thank you for this. For many, it’s probably the first time we’ve felt this.  

Thank you, [school], for everything you have done and for being such an important part of my journey. I am so lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard but don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. You’ve made such a positive change in my life, and yes, I can read your mind, I put in the hard work too! 

I want you to remember that it is ok to have bad days, as long as you don’t stay there. (I do listen!).  

One more thing, good luck organising the EOT’s without me, hehe! Mine will always be the best! 

From Chloe, aka the favourite student! One who will always be remembered! 

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