Help to make house appropriate

Hello, we have a 15 year old daughter who is ASD and another 13 who is almost diagnosed. Both very different ends of the spectrum. My 13 year old wants to touch smell everything and my 15 year old is very protective of her things and germ phobia, she has emetophobia too.

Now the problem is they share a room, we live in a 3 bed house so they share a room, me and my husband have 1 and then my 3 year old son and 8 year old daughter have a big room.we have split. The 2 girls sharing a room is a nightmare! Constantly arguments/meltdowns by my eldest and the other just can't stop touching her stuff or doing things that displease the other. Not to mention the amount of time she spends in the bathroom cleaning her hands/teeth ect.

We aren't flush with money at all, live hand to mouth. We own our home and my husband works but I currently am at home looking after are youngest and often have my eldest who sometimes can not attend school as she is too exhausted from dealing with going in.

We never seem to qualify for any government help or grants but our lives would be so much easier and be much less stressful for my 2 daughters if we could have 1 extra bedroom or bathroom but it's simply not something we can ever see being able to afford. We have the space on our property just not the bank balance. 

Does anyone know if there any companies, grants ect we could try that we maybe havnt looked into?

Many thanks

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