Using words as stimming?

I’m a new parent to a newly diagnosed autistic son. So im

really hoping for some advice. He is 11 and has severe anxiety. 

my question is has any other parent experienced their child shouting inappropriate words? I’ve noticed when he is anxious, happy or overwhelmed he will shout not some nice words some can be swearing some can be sexual and he seems to make up little rhymes and shout them out and repeat them.

i have tired explaining that some of the words should not be used but it doesn’t make a difference. I know he has heard these words from friends at school but he is still very young minded for his age and doesn’t actually get that the words he says are inappropriate.

im at a loss of how to handle it and if it’s a common trait in autistic children? Sometimes when he is overwhelmed there is no calming the words I have to let him get it all out

thank you 

  • I'd say words can be a form of stimming as I sing and hum which brings comfort to me.  Only you will be able to work out if your son is using swearing for attention from you or for a stim comfort.  I'm sure you'll get there. Goodluck.

    Regarding the tangent befow :-)

    I think the way Autism is categorised can hurt some whilst not bothering others.  Disorder to me feels like there's something "wrong" where there's nothing that can be done to improve things = no hope.  Condition to me means something is "malleable" and so it's workable - hope.

  • Thank you I’m going to keep a diary of it and when it happens and take it from there to see if it’s stimming or could be TSb he does say sorry sometimes m. Thank you for your reply 

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