Any help appreciated please!

My son is 15 and is autistic , since the loss of his brother in june 2022 he has deteriorated hugely , I got him Bereavement counselling early on but was told that some children who is autistic can take time to process loss , alot has changed at home my son who passed was 22 and passed away at home but because he was the eldest and severely disabled our lives were so routined , now life has hugely changed , my 15 year old hasn't been to school in months , he has always soiled himself but always let my husband change him , now he won't let anyone change him meaning sat in poo for days , he hasn't bathed for weeks or hair cut he is a mess he barely leaves the house if he does it will be out the front and back in. He completely shuts down and won't talk for days, he over eats and he just a shadow to himself he told me noone understands him , school is pressuring not understanding  they told me they seen worse!! I mean seriously he stinks!! He shuts his bedroom door and barely out, I am in desperate need for help I am trying so hard to help him. 

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