Daughter showing mental health warning signs

But of background info: My daughter goes to an autism specialist school for only 20 students. She is doing a YOT program currently and one of the things she needs to do is giving back to the community. In order to complete this, her school have said she can plan their schools EOT (end of term) reward. This will be the biggest rewards since it's the end of year. 

She was sorting out the points for students (they can get 2 points per lesson, 1 for engagement and 1 for behaviour). Those points are added up and the social story will show what "bracket" their reward will be in: 

Gold: Top choice with meal deal 

Gold: Top choice with non fizzy drink

Silver: Second or Third choice 

Bronze: End of Week activity 

Chloe has chosen Thorpe Park for her top choice but this is the only activity she will actually do. According to her points, she will only make it to silver bracket and she is so angry and low currently. It's her last EOT because she's leaving. 

Most of the reasons she hasn't gotten lots of points this year is because she went through a traumatic experience which effected what she could tolerate in school. She refused to work with men but has now formed amazing relationships with them over the past month or 2. She refused her sport lessons because she was really poorly afterwards and kept fainting. Also the changes in routine with staff sickness, so having a different staff would tip her over the edge. Yes there were times there was no reason for her not to get her points but most of it was out her control. 

She is gutted because she wanted to go to Thorpe Park. She doesn't understand why she can't because the past years she's been at school she was more "challenging" and still managed to go but this year she has matured and is a lot calmer now but can't go. It's affecting her a lot because she's been through hell and doesn't want to leave school on a bad note, like every other school, and is now making threats saying she wish she "unalived herself" during the traumatic experience because the hell she's been through has been pointless just to get back to square one. Those were her words and I just want her to be happy. She is constantly up and down. 

If anyone knows what I can ask the school or help her understand, it will be welcome! 

Thanks in advance,


  • Having different staff makes a place unreliable. No Typical school would permit this. An appropriate response would be lack of trust in staff. This is poor management and a lack of understanding Autism. The points system doesn’t motivate autistic kids  also a Profound lack of understanding Autism. Francesca Happé would be a recommended choice for helping staff and directors learn what they don’t know  

    So it sounds as if they don’t make accommodations for students? 

    it’s not mental health. It’s a normal response to actually being and not just feeing marginalised:( 

  • Having different staff makes a place unreliable. No Typical school would permit this. An appropriate response would be lack of trust in staff. This is poor management and a lack of understanding Autism. The points system doesn’t motivate autistic kids  also a Profound lack of understanding Autism. Francesca Happé would be a recommended choice for helping staff and directors learn what they don’t know  

    So it sounds as if they don’t make accommodations for students? 

    it’s not mental health. It’s a normal response to actually being and not just feeing marginalised:( 

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