Private diagnosis

We are looking at three different places for a private diagnosis. All say they follow NICE guidelines. All three are in the National  Autistic Society directory. Any key things I should find out/key questions before picking one? Any one had experience of LEA refusing diagnosis? Fed up of waiting, she is on the umbrella pathway. 

Thank you for reading 

  • just one thought have you tried right to choose via the NHS I got seen and diagnosed within around 3 months .I cannot name the company I went to as we are not meant to promote but try going back to your GP and asking about this

  • just one thought have you tried right to choose via the NHS I got seen and diagnosed within around 3 months .I cannot name the company I went to as we are not meant to promote but try going back to your GP and asking about this

  • A school my daughter was at referred her for an assessment, she has since moved up to high school. We’ve had letters from the umbrella pathway to say she’s on the waiting list… They don’t know how long the wait is.

    So if I speak to my doctors they should be able to do this? I’ll have a look. Thank you