Pica, eating plants non stop

Desperately seeking some advice, my 4 year old daughter has severe pica often eating things like chalk, crayons, paper, ink from pens, stickers etc but the most worrying is plants. Any and all plants, leaves, flower buds it's all going in her mouth she can't seem to stop and it's become an compulsive obsession. Our garden is safe, it's a sensory garden but I'm terrified about poisoning/tummy problems elsewhere and it's happening often. Shes super quick and often tries to grab things while walking and puts them straight in her mouth, if you attempt to retrieve it it's swallowed.

We've tried giving regular snacks, chewy lanyards but nothing seems to satisfy the urge. 

  • Too much? Wink

    If she really is too much of a risk in these places then a leash / harness of some kind may be your only bet, especially since she seems to have a compulsion about it.

    In the meantime maybe some planned avoidance techniques of placing some items you know will taste horrible but that she will be compelled to try (while being safe) could put her off. Something soaked in vinegar perhaps. Make sure you tell her not to do it so that when she does do it and has a negative reaction you can reinforce it while offering comfort (and maybe a sweet drink to take the taste away).

    There is a risk of trauma here though so it needs to be thought through carefully.

  • Too much? Wink

    If she really is too much of a risk in these places then a leash / harness of some kind may be your only bet, especially since she seems to have a compulsion about it.

    In the meantime maybe some planned avoidance techniques of placing some items you know will taste horrible but that she will be compelled to try (while being safe) could put her off. Something soaked in vinegar perhaps. Make sure you tell her not to do it so that when she does do it and has a negative reaction you can reinforce it while offering comfort (and maybe a sweet drink to take the taste away).

    There is a risk of trauma here though so it needs to be thought through carefully.

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