DLA help please!

Hi all, 

Just wondered if anyone knows what's the right thing to do here on the DLA form: the section on bathing and showering is very specific in terms of how often each day, and how many minutes does it take, but the reality is, my little boy has quite a severe water phobia and so we cannot shower or bathe him at all - we haven't been able to properly wash his hair in over three years, now using waterless shampoo - and even that is traumatic so we do it as little as possible... should I just put N/A in the boxes and then explain in full on the additional info bit? I don't want them to think he doesn't have a problem, when in fact it's such a huge problem for him that he doesn't even fit the tick boxes. I wonder if I can put "N/A - see Q72" or something?  

Thanks so much. 

  • the section on bathing and showering is very specific in terms of how often each day, and how many minutes does it take

    I would put them all as zeros - add a note in the additional section to say "extreme water phobia, unable to bathe".

    If there is space make a note of the results of when you attempt to do this and the damage/trauma it causes him.

    This should give all the info they need at this stage. You may need a note from his doctor or therapist to support this when they inevitably question it.

    It sounds like there should be no contest for the outcome but a check is most likely needed, so consider finding a way to demonstrate the phobia if possible in a way that causes least lasting stress.

    Good luck

  • Thanks very much – that's interesting re them questioning it. I'll wait to hear, although I'm not sure, like you say, how we can prove it without causing him major distress! Poor baby. 

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