Fear of dogs

Hello, I'm hoping you may be able to help advise us. Our 6 year old son has always been wary of dogs but over the past few months his fear has got to the point where we are struggling to do anything for fear of bumping into a dog which is frequently. He gets really distressed and freezes and there is nothing we can do to calm him. Does anyone have any advice on what we can do to help him as currently it has meant that we are struggling to go out. Thanks so much

  • hes wise to be afraid of them, dogs are vicious evil wild animals that people shouldnt willingly walk around others.

    i was ok with dogs.... i walked past a guy walking a dog a few months back in winter, just totally normal, normal dog not a dangerous looking one, shaggy brown hair not one of the bad looking ones, on a lead... i walked past the guy and his dog jumped up at me and started viciously attacking me, could feel its teeth through my winter pants and my winter woolen thermal layer, and it did make marks that i had to go get a tetanus jab.

    it was all over me biting as i was tryna skip step backwards and the useless owner failed to control it despite having it on a lead.

    yeah i dont go near any dog no more even on a lead, they are random vicious wild animals and we shouldnt be owning them, they should be on reserves in the wild or put down entirely. they are evil vicious wild animals not fit for civilisation. they are a threat to all of us out walking, they are not nice... they are wild animals and they will maul anyone if they so much as decide to for no reason. easy flip from nice lovable dog to random vicious mauler dog for no reason in no time. we cant have that in our society, they need a full ban.

    then you have people walking them off lead.... i walked down the place i got bit by that dog and found another dog walker, his  dog was off lead, soon as it saw me it staredd at me and started barking viciously and showing its teeth blocking my path... now i got bit by that other dog on a lead in that place, this dog not on a lead and more openly vicious. its owner assuring me it wont bite while it squares off with me blocking my only path barking growling and baring its teeth at me... after i already been bit in this place and already dont trust dogs due to that.... yeah dogs need a full ban... im up for culling every single dog on the planet now, they are absolutely not safe at all, they are evil creatures.

    long story short can you see how your son, or anyone would be afraid of dogs? they are vicious and aggressive and hostile 

  • hes wise to be afraid of them, dogs are vicious evil wild animals that people shouldnt willingly walk around others.
    yeah i dont go near any dog no more even on a lead, they are random vicious wild animals and we shouldnt be owning them

    I can't agree with that.

    Dogs are very predictable creatures when you understand their body language and you can read them like a book.

    It will help a lot to understand dog psychology (I had to do this when a dog I one had was a real pain) and with this knowledge they are incredibly predictable. Unlike humans who mask and have meltdowns unpredictably I guess - so I suppose dogs don't have neurodivergence.

    Back to the OPs request - I would find someone who has a very tolerant dog and explain to son how to treat the dog - learn yourself what the signs are that the dog is unhappy and when it is willing to be petted then use these to introduce your son to the dog and under close supervision - to pet it.

    Teach him that dogs and people are similar - some like to play and some don't. He needs to learn caution and respect rather than irrational fear to become better used to them.

    Show by example and explain the obvious tells when to leave the dog alone.

    With luck he will assimilate the info and the knowledge & experience will help him overcome the fear.

    That would be my approach.

  • hes wise to be afraid of them, dogs are vicious evil wild animals that people shouldnt willingly walk around others.
    yeah i dont go near any dog no more even on a lead, they are random vicious wild animals and we shouldnt be owning them

    I can't agree with that.

    Dogs are very predictable creatures when you understand their body language and you can read them like a book.

    It will help a lot to understand dog psychology (I had to do this when a dog I one had was a real pain) and with this knowledge they are incredibly predictable. Unlike humans who mask and have meltdowns unpredictably I guess - so I suppose dogs don't have neurodivergence.

    Back to the OPs request - I would find someone who has a very tolerant dog and explain to son how to treat the dog - learn yourself what the signs are that the dog is unhappy and when it is willing to be petted then use these to introduce your son to the dog and under close supervision - to pet it.

    Teach him that dogs and people are similar - some like to play and some don't. He needs to learn caution and respect rather than irrational fear to become better used to them.

    Show by example and explain the obvious tells when to leave the dog alone.

    With luck he will assimilate the info and the knowledge & experience will help him overcome the fear.

    That would be my approach.

  • i spoke with owner, this one was a rescue dog.... as you will find most people have rescue dogs, these dogs are free.... free top good home... so everyone gets them... because they are free... but they are VERY VERY dangerous... and you cant read their phycology because there is alot wrong with them, hence why they are rescue dogs lol 

    Every thing that you state in this quoted section is not true.

    I don't know if it matters to you.....that all your statements are patently wrong*?

    Edit - correction *perhaps you did once speak with a dog owner.......but all the rest is just bs.

  • Are cats and dogs allowed to be sold via retail stores in the UK?

  • This reminds me of what I've heard about "puppy mill" dogs, which are dogs raised in cages under torturous and abusive conditions. They fear humans, they'll get aggressive and they'll attack humans, to try and protect themselves. I've heard that puppy mill dogs, are sold to retail stores, in ads, and many other places, and once an owner unwittingly buys them, the dogs are still mentally unstable, due to how it was raised and treated. 

    Puppies raised in a kind and loving home since birth (or almost thereabouts), will have great personalities though. Although they'll still do things like guard the house from strangers, since they are pact animals and protect their territory, if they respect their owner, and their owners are okay with you, they'll be okay with you too. 

    I mean I suppose this applies to humans as well, in the sense that if someone was raised in abusive conditions, they're not going to be the greatest at socializing with others. They might fear and distrust people in general, and see threats in situations that most people wouldn't. 

  • Rescue dogs aren't free, animal rescue shelters charge about £100 for an animal, this covers some of the costs of flea and worm treatment and speying and other vetinary costs. They also do fairly rigorous home checks. Many people wonder if it would be easier to adopt a child rather than a dog or cat. Rescue's get to know the animals a bit so as they can match them to the right homes, so an animal who's scared of children won't be put in a home with them, nor will a dog that needs lots of exercise be placed where it's needs will be unmet.

    Many people buy puppies and don't really know the source of them, puppy farmers are quite clever about convincing people the dogs really are family pets, the puppies are often sick, malnourished and over bred with underlying health problems. Many people who buy puppies are not the sort of people who know how to bring up a dog, are unwilling to train it, exercise it properly and generally meet its needs. Of course then you get the meatheads who want a "hard" dog, so they get the bull breads and wonder why they're aggressive.

    Most of the time its not the dog thats the problem its the humans!

  • Dogs are very predictable creatures when you understand their body language and you can read them like a book.

    i spoke with owner, this one was a rescue dog.... as you will find most people have rescue dogs, these dogs are free.... free top good home... so everyone gets them... because they are free... but they are VERY VERY dangerous... and you cant read their phycology because there is alot wrong with them, hence why they are rescue dogs lol 

    this dog attacked me for no reason.... and i see him walk it, it lunges at everyone it sees, hes always trying to hold it back.... but then if you stop and talk at a distance, it sits down and shuts up and seems nice.... but if you move at all, it starts up again. he also said it doesnt like doors too for some reason... either way i dont care, it attacks anyone and everyone it sees and anyone that gets close will absolutely be bit... theres kids and old people walking around, the path he walks it on is narrow and you wont be able to go to side enough to avoid the dog hes walking, it will be in biting distance at all times, even if he tries holding it back. which is how it got me, on that narrow path, he couldnt hold it back, he had it on lead, path was narrow it attacked me. i dunno he needs to warn people in distance i guess and tell them to absolutely go nowhere near it... or even better he should get a muzzle for it which i told him to get and he still hasnt. i think it got some others some time before as i heard aggressive growling and a woman screaming from the back path as its behind where i live. so its likely bit many people. needs be put down.