Care Act Assessment - what next?

Well, I've just received a copy of my Care Act Assessment and am left wondering whether there's anything in it that I can actually use.

Naturally I told them that I'd already searched and read extensively for info, advice and guidance on key areas affecting our family including:-

- severe autistic burnout

- withdrawal and refusal to engage with services

- hygiene issues

All in connection with adults who have capacity but are very closed to re-engaging with services.  

Clearly I've already contacted the NAS (in the past, as I can't find any helpline now) plus local charities from time to time.  But the core issues remain.  I explained all of this in detail.

Well the assessment has come back simply advising me to contact the NAS.  I already have a P2P appointment lined up but it seems that this is just for emotional support whereas I want and need advice and guidance on coping and managing on a daily basis (otherwise I could easily need emotional support open-endedly as this situation isn't going to change!)  Scouring the NAS info online, I can't find anything which gives any info that I dont already have.  e.g. info on burnout includes references to Dora Raymaker and Kieran Rose - both excellent but I need to sit down with a professional and get it tailored to my family, with considerable attention paid to areas like trust and family dynamics.

I'm guessing I've drawn a blank.  Again.  Does the NAS provide any 1:1 support - NOT emotional support as I've already seen a number of therapists and counsellors , all great but I need something more practical.   

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