Am i a cold bad mom?

Quite recently I had a discussion with moms in my language class about parenting and letting the child get/do things that for some reason are not allowed. It turned out they were absolutely shocked to hear, that my own child crying does not hurt me emotionally. It only hurts my ears. When my child cries, I asses the situation and actions needed. Wound? - plaster and hydrogen peroxide. Ok, ok kiss and hug as well to help her calm down. Fever? - meds, water and yeah some hugs too. If it’s a tantrum then I don’t show any emotions, because I don’t have any. They are not needed! And others seem to be shocked how can I just coldly sit and do nothing about my child throwing tantrum. When she is furious I sit and only take care for her safety. When she repeatedly requests the forbidden thing I only shortly answer “no” (she is 2,5). This way her tantrums with me are short because she knows it does not touch me emotionally. But my husband is angry at me, that I’m so cold and how can I be this way. He also let me understand, that I should go for therapy to get fixed. 
im curious about other autistic parents here and their experience. My husband and daughter are neurotypical. 

  • As a teacher I can tell you that you are responding in exactly the correct way to your daughter's tantrums. I wish I could have the same calm manner with my 3 year old. Perhaps show your husband some of the research on handling tantrums. Perhaps the ministry of health in your country might have a leaflet you could show?

  • As a teacher I can tell you that you are responding in exactly the correct way to your daughter's tantrums. I wish I could have the same calm manner with my 3 year old. Perhaps show your husband some of the research on handling tantrums. Perhaps the ministry of health in your country might have a leaflet you could show?

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