Headbanging and hitting

My 17 y.o daughter, Chloe, is constantly hitting and headbanging her head. 

It used to be every Wednesday sometimes Thursdays too, which are both the days she sees YOT. This was only a couple of meltdowns which showed these behaviours. 

Over the past couple of days, school have been phoning me worried and confused because she is now hitting and headbanging all day everyday, including when she is not having a meltdown. 

When this behaviour occurs, staff have taught Chloe to hold their hands therefore it's easier to direct. Also squeezing hands every time she wants to hurt herself. According to staff, Chloe is now frequently placing her staffs hands on her head, for deep pressure I believe. 

I believe the reason for the behaviours are: deep pressure on her hand and hands, frustration because to me it seems like she cannot regulate herself fully. Over the past few weeks, her outbursts have been more 'challenging', angry, aggressive and a lot stronger for her and everyone else. I will also say it is taking a lot longer, over the past few weeks, to calm her down, most being around 10 hours for her to fully regulate. 

Im not too sure on a solution for this, if it is sensory seeking for deep pressure and being unable to fully regulate. If anyone has any tips for myself or the school to help Chloe, it is greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance, 


  • She does has a weighted vest and deep pressure vest which we used last night. She used to take it to school but it wasn't working so stopped taking it. 

    She does carry squeeze fidget toys in her bag and used to use it all day everyday but but has stopped now. 

    I know this time of year and the summer are a nightmare for her. She doesn't quite understand what clothes are suitable for heat. She will wear joggers, fluffy socks, hoodies, thick coat. She also doesn't recognise when she is too hot and needs to take of some layers, until she is mid crisis. 

    But I know for her is that, it tends to be lots of little things that build up and then one thing will just tip her over the edge. But unfortunately her self regulation skills have been a lot harder for her recently. 

    Ive checked her over this morning for any injuries and she has a few grazes on her head and a sore wrist. Her meltdowns are a lot more severe currently, unfortunately. 

  • Is there anything you could get to give that deep pressure in an ongoing way? Some things which you could try are: leggings, thermal tights, weighted hoodies, thick thermal winter hats, bike shorts, double thick socks (you can usually find these in hiking sections of stores).

    My favourites are thick tight thermal hats and bike shorts. 

    Is there also a chance that it might help her to have things she can squeeze all day whenever she needs to? I think a really common one for people is jumper sleeves that are slightly too long but other ideas can include soft toys, play dough, stress balls, kinetic sand, a large scarf (this can also act as a pressure thing). It can take a few times to find something to squeeze which doesn't give other sensory icks but it might be worth even going to a charity shop on a quiet day with ear defenders on if needed and having chance to hold different things to give them a try. Or gathering together your household's wardrobes and letting her see if there's any items she really likes the feel of. 

    Apologies if this is too long but I also just wanted to add just in case whether there might be a new or persistent sensory thing which might be a trigger. A change to detergent so things smell different, a label in an item of clothing, a change in the temperature at school or a need to change clothes for a new season because everything is a bit more sweaty and sticky. Just wanted to flag as I am rubbish at remembering it might be a little thing persistently which snowballs over time into a big thing.