Private Assesment


I am looking for peoples experience of getting their child assessed for autism privately. Any recommendations of which companies have been good? There are so many options out there and they are pretty expensive. My son is 12 and we live in Herefordshire. I think he’s benefit from face to face appointments where possible. We can travel but I don’t really want to go to the other end of the country. Any help would be greatly received.

  • Hi we got our son privately assessed at a group called Berkshire psychology they were amazing - v professional and supportive I googled are Herefordshire to Berkshire is about 2hours hope you find a group that can support you Relaxed

  • Hi we got our son privately assessed at a group called Berkshire psychology they were amazing - v professional and supportive I googled are Herefordshire to Berkshire is about 2hours hope you find a group that can support you Relaxed

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