Discrimination ??

I have just started the settlement process of a car accident 6 years ago. My children were 10 and 12 at the time and the accident triggered anxiety and panic attack disorder in both of them affecting their ability to go to school. There were criminals involved and our car was hit so hard we thought our dogs had been killed in the boot. The driver ran away and my son chased him. I had a scuffle with the passenger and my daughter was left rigid with shock. The insurance company are saying that their anxiety and lack of attending school is because they are autistic! They had no problems with school beforehand. I am so upset and feel manipulated. Would anyone like to comment? Thank you 

  • Speak to a lawyer. The equality act can have some counterintuitive affects when it comes to discrimination that could mean that they’re actually making the situation worse by admitting that autism is a factor. But this particular situation is complex enough that you really should have a lawyer.

  • Speak to a lawyer. The equality act can have some counterintuitive affects when it comes to discrimination that could mean that they’re actually making the situation worse by admitting that autism is a factor. But this particular situation is complex enough that you really should have a lawyer.

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