Part of Autism or language delay?

My Son who’s seven told me something using a long sentence, well a couple of sentences for the first time last night. GrinningThumbsupHe usually. speaks in sentences maximum of five words.  He pronounced each word ok but  got a few of the words in the sentence mixed up.  Can this be a part of Autism? 

  • The language barrier and difference IS one of the fundamental differences with Autism. We might speak better when grown up. 

    Some of us have more trouble than others accessing vocabulary. It can be difficult to explain or find the 'term' for a thing. It's been noted both hemispheres in the brain have language, but the Left is better 'wired' to receive and send on a Non-Autistic 'wavelength'. 

    Non-autistics tend to use language to communicate in symbolic ways, a word can be organic and its meaning morph. This is often where the loss in translations lies, as Autistics tend to use words according to what their practical definition is so to communicate. But often if words or gestures or other types of language (music is a language for instance) are being used in 'coded' ways, we won't pick this up. We might find out a morphed meaning years later. The Left brain is better wired for executive function as well, which we can have difficulty with. And while all of us use both spheres, humans tend to be asymmetrical in their signalling between the two.

    I know a kid who doesn't have access to mouth words, but he's making maps to scale at 10. One might also be able to 3D image in their brain as a way of understanding a thing. At some point, I started writing poetry (but poorly for years) and it helped to express thoughts or how I felt impacted. But I have alexithymia, so I can't pair a feeling with its defined word for sometime. I do have a rather strong memory, so It might even dawn on me what I was feeling 10 years ago which I couldn't enunciate then.

    This language difference has a great deal of impact in many ways including that we mature slower. Now I'm 50, but I didn't really get a grip on words until 35 and as a female, one can just be shy and silent and no one notices. Art is always my preferred method of communication :) 

  • You’re right communication takes many forms, not just words.  All forms are effective ways to communicate.

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