Take part: tips for talking to a child about their diagnosis

Hello everyone! 

We would like your help to create a series of practical tips about how to talk to a child about their autism diagnosis. We’re looking for wisdom from parents and carers who have told a child about their diagnosis, and from autistic people who either remember how they were told as a child or can share general tips about how to approach this. 

Could you share your insights based on how you told your child about their diagnosis or talked to them about it after their diagnosis, or how you were told or talked to as a child about your own diagnosis? What worked well and what didn't? What advice would you give to parents and carers now? Are there any principles you think they could follow? Any ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ or things to consider? 

You can send your tips by replying to this post or submit them anonymously by emailing stories@nas.org.uk. We will use short quotes from the tips we receive on our website and social media channels to share your wisdom with others in our community. 

(To see an example of what the series may look like, here are tips about Halloween shared by our community: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy5TI2sOX49/?igsh=ZnRkeGRpMWx4YXhr ) 

Please remember this Community forum is public, so don’t post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself. 

We look forward to reading your tips! 


The Content Team 

  • We initially told our then 5 year old daughter that we were going to see a Dr (for a referral) to see if he could help with why she gets so upset sometimes. Then, when we were granted a referral, I shared a book (lent to us from the school’s SENCo) with my daughter and her twin sister (as I thought it important for her sister to understand what was happening too) called ‘All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum’ and compared some of the behaviours of the cats to our daughter’s behaviours and explained we thought she might be autistic too, just like the cats. She liked this, especially as she loves animals and both girls understood that she was just a little bit different and that that was ok. I also talked to her near to the diagnosis about how her brain works in a slightly different way to most people and that that was fine and it was important to know so that she could get help with things she finds tricky. Finally got the diagnosis a few weeks ago, just after her 7th birthday (20 month process). As we left the appointment her sister asked “So is L autistic?” And I said yes and asked L how she felt about it, to which she smiled and said she was very happy. Interestingly, during episodes of selective/situational mutism, she meows, just like a cat

  • We initially told our then 5 year old daughter that we were going to see a Dr (for a referral) to see if he could help with why she gets so upset sometimes. Then, when we were granted a referral, I shared a book (lent to us from the school’s SENCo) with my daughter and her twin sister (as I thought it important for her sister to understand what was happening too) called ‘All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum’ and compared some of the behaviours of the cats to our daughter’s behaviours and explained we thought she might be autistic too, just like the cats. She liked this, especially as she loves animals and both girls understood that she was just a little bit different and that that was ok. I also talked to her near to the diagnosis about how her brain works in a slightly different way to most people and that that was fine and it was important to know so that she could get help with things she finds tricky. Finally got the diagnosis a few weeks ago, just after her 7th birthday (20 month process). As we left the appointment her sister asked “So is L autistic?” And I said yes and asked L how she felt about it, to which she smiled and said she was very happy. Interestingly, during episodes of selective/situational mutism, she meows, just like a cat

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