waiting list


my son has not beeing diagnosed as yet but i was wondering if there is anyone who could help uys with tips or strategies to use with him. He behaves well at shcool but at home it is a different stories. We are talkign about ODD. Any helps would be much appre4ciated 

  • Hello there, this is the first time I've come across ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) and it is a challenging one.

    I read an article on it which has some useful links:


    It looks like most treatments are customised to the child and knowledge of it is not very widespread so I would take the initiative and do your own research on the subject since the NHS are unlikely to have many specialists and you may need to point them to the resources to better understand the condition and treatment options.

    I note that the guide they offer links to needs an email address to be filled in to get it, so I would recommend setting up a burner email account unless you want spam.

    If you have the capacity and interest it would be great to hear back from what you discover along the way.

    Good luck in finding the support you need.