Is everyone an addict?

My theory is yes they are. Some to alcohol or tobbaco, some to psych meds. Others to the illiegal drugs. And some people who think they are sober are addicted to caffeine in coffee or tea or the opioids in gluten and dairy (bread, cheese). A lot of people are addicted to sugar. See how grumpy people would get if you wouldn't allow them sugar in their tea or coffee or if you banned cakes and sweets. Even if you eat a very healthy sugar free vegan diet you are still addicted to energy, even carbohydrates contain natural sugars. That's why I think deep down we are all really not that different.

  • A habit is often the flip side of a discipline. One is easy and might be useful but not always healthy the other takes conscious effort and is healthy. Both can be broken with neglect, in the reverse, the reverse is also true: one takes mindful and an effort to deny, the other is easy.

    One can be addicted (and get a sense of purpose, meaning or an adrenaline rush) to judging others as well. Or virtue signalling. Dictating social hierarchy and dominance will provide a neurological 'hit' a sense of feeling "powerful" if they're in control, apparently the same thing happens with sex, thus Freud's Libido, outlining how sadism and masochism are out-of-control and warped control issues. 

  • A habit is often the flip side of a discipline. One is easy and might be useful but not always healthy the other takes conscious effort and is healthy. Both can be broken with neglect, in the reverse, the reverse is also true: one takes mindful and an effort to deny, the other is easy.

    One can be addicted (and get a sense of purpose, meaning or an adrenaline rush) to judging others as well. Or virtue signalling. Dictating social hierarchy and dominance will provide a neurological 'hit' a sense of feeling "powerful" if they're in control, apparently the same thing happens with sex, thus Freud's Libido, outlining how sadism and masochism are out-of-control and warped control issues. 

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