Explaining diagnosis to niece

Hi there

My 8 year old niece finally received her diagnosis of HFA late last year. She is a clever girl, very academic, very athletic, has deep social anxiety and selective autism. My sister has done a wonderful job of helpful Ng her develop a sense of self but struggles with a few things:

  1. She doesn't know how to tell my niece about her diagnosis. My sister knows that this may help her understand herself a bit better but doesn't know how to get the conversation started
  2. My niece struggled so much with the thought of Go Ng to school. She is ok when she gets there, but her anxiety is so bad the night before it's heartbreaking. She says things like 'my life is worthless I shouldn't even be here' and 'why can't my brain work like everyone else's?'

If there is any advice at all that you could share, we would be so grateful.

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