Free Nappies for children with autism

Hi there,

My little lad is four and a half and is still in nappies as he has no bowel control, I've heard rumours that you can claim free nappies for children with special needs, any idea of how to claim? Our HV were not very helpful.

Any suggestions?


  • Hi Plumpy,

    My son had the same problem until he was nearly six.  We went back to the GP and asked for a referral to the incontinence service with a view to getting advise about how to toilet train him as nothing had worked so far. Our HV was unhelpful too.

    A lovely nurse came out and we discussed what was going on.  If I remember correctly if a child is still in nappies once they are four then they are free.  We ended up having a monthly deliveries of pyjama pants (most absorbant and leak free) which continued until he was toilet trained.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hi Plumpy,

    My son had the same problem until he was nearly six.  We went back to the GP and asked for a referral to the incontinence service with a view to getting advise about how to toilet train him as nothing had worked so far. Our HV was unhelpful too.

    A lovely nurse came out and we discussed what was going on.  If I remember correctly if a child is still in nappies once they are four then they are free.  We ended up having a monthly deliveries of pyjama pants (most absorbant and leak free) which continued until he was toilet trained.

    Hope that helps.


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