My Child Won't Listen

Over the last century, psychoanalysis has suggested that one surprising difference between NT and Autistic is how they mature due to a difference in language and a different Salience Network (Sensory-Perception). A thought about this which can better help is that Autistics being Hyper-Sensory can be more concerned with environment while Typical kids are more concerned with Social. There is nothing wrong with this, as we need both in healthy and safe society. We cannot be everything to everyone: focus on our potential, be ok with and mindful abut limits, no one wants to feel like a failure.

This is a good article explaining that more often than not, we as parents might just lack some absent insight into reconnecting with what it was like to be very small.

  • Here’s a, cursory breakdown of OP, as requested, as I perceive it:

    1 what does sensory-perception have to do with psychoanalysis. Also I’m not so sure that sensory-perception is included in autism but it is comorbid, I think that’s Sensory processing disorder.

    2 I don’t see what language has to do with autism, when language impairment is an additional specifier to autism. 

    Honestly I’m trying to grip what I started with but it’s late.. I have described the points as I thought them in the thread though.. but I also remain unconvinced by the rhetoric. Is doesn’t supercede the reasoning I have already memorised and absorbed.. again it’s late and I think I’ve used the best rhetoric that I’m going to muster at this point..Sweat smile

  • Agreed. "Time for bed" said Zebedee. To be continued ...

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