Teenage son

  • My teenage son is extremely anxious, frequent panic attacks, anger outbursts with thoughts of self harm. The school have asked me to fill in a referral for ADHD and ASC.  I’m not sure if he fits in either categories.  He does hyper focus on activities. If he has a hobby he has to know everything about that topic and it becomes his everything. He sees the world in black and white and hugely feel injustice.  He hates physical touch and can be very routine driven.  I know the forum can’t diagnose anything, but I was hoping on people’s opinion on roughly what expect.  If this sounds like anyone’s child.  I feel a little at sea
  • 1 2nd This. It's very much in line with the "Monotropic" brain, which is a theory to explain HOW we think rather than the neurology/biology underlying it. The system underneath, if we compare the brain to a computer, for instance, is a different model than non-autistic brains and potentially a biology not well suited for modern society as it is now. 

    Anxiety is a natural response in Autistics to unnatural and even harmful surroundings. So many things are unnatural (chemically designed scents, clothing made from petroleum - polyester, harsh sounds, untreated cheap spaces with harsh reverberations and unnatural lights - all of which the NeuroTypical brain is designed to 'filter' for the sake of being a community. Autistics, cannot filter the same or dull their senses the same. We have a tendency to sense-perceive well beyond our years and the only thing for it is 1. deep education (if you can) and 2. taking control of one's surroundings and making them safe (I can sense formaldehyde and other VOCs, certain chemical scents will actually give me heart burn - they are these elemental compounds that float into airwaves).

    While Monotropism explains a psychological effect of how we work and our Potential, without room to thrive, it can become a weight. There is a lot of new research potentially proving that autistic Anxiety is an issue with GABA levels and a different biology. In theory, it's GABA which should police our brains from accelerating out of control either from excitement or hyper-processing, and new medical papers are showing that ADHD/Autistic patients have lower levels than normal, so they cannot just 'turn a thing off'. Meaning, Anxiety is a biological response and should be treated as such, it is NOT depression (anti-depressants target a different part of the brain we normally use to process and reason),

    Our natural tendencies toward hyper-focus can become a flow-state with the right disciplines. Uninterrupted focus is severely important. With this, one will need to learn to protect their space, set allocated units of time and possibly alarms to remind for meals / drinks / bathroom breaks. But if allowed, we can excel in our interests and specialised individuals are needed in every field. 

  • 1 2nd This. It's very much in line with the "Monotropic" brain, which is a theory to explain HOW we think rather than the neurology/biology underlying it. The system underneath, if we compare the brain to a computer, for instance, is a different model than non-autistic brains and potentially a biology not well suited for modern society as it is now. 

    Anxiety is a natural response in Autistics to unnatural and even harmful surroundings. So many things are unnatural (chemically designed scents, clothing made from petroleum - polyester, harsh sounds, untreated cheap spaces with harsh reverberations and unnatural lights - all of which the NeuroTypical brain is designed to 'filter' for the sake of being a community. Autistics, cannot filter the same or dull their senses the same. We have a tendency to sense-perceive well beyond our years and the only thing for it is 1. deep education (if you can) and 2. taking control of one's surroundings and making them safe (I can sense formaldehyde and other VOCs, certain chemical scents will actually give me heart burn - they are these elemental compounds that float into airwaves).

    While Monotropism explains a psychological effect of how we work and our Potential, without room to thrive, it can become a weight. There is a lot of new research potentially proving that autistic Anxiety is an issue with GABA levels and a different biology. In theory, it's GABA which should police our brains from accelerating out of control either from excitement or hyper-processing, and new medical papers are showing that ADHD/Autistic patients have lower levels than normal, so they cannot just 'turn a thing off'. Meaning, Anxiety is a biological response and should be treated as such, it is NOT depression (anti-depressants target a different part of the brain we normally use to process and reason),

    Our natural tendencies toward hyper-focus can become a flow-state with the right disciplines. Uninterrupted focus is severely important. With this, one will need to learn to protect their space, set allocated units of time and possibly alarms to remind for meals / drinks / bathroom breaks. But if allowed, we can excel in our interests and specialised individuals are needed in every field. 

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