Teenage son

  • My teenage son is extremely anxious, frequent panic attacks, anger outbursts with thoughts of self harm. The school have asked me to fill in a referral for ADHD and ASC.  I’m not sure if he fits in either categories.  He does hyper focus on activities. If he has a hobby he has to know everything about that topic and it becomes his everything. He sees the world in black and white and hugely feel injustice.  He hates physical touch and can be very routine driven.  I know the forum can’t diagnose anything, but I was hoping on people’s opinion on roughly what expect.  If this sounds like anyone’s child.  I feel a little at sea
  • What you say fits an autistic profile. The best way of ascertaining probable autism is for him to do an online autism test. The AQ50 (sometimes called the AQ) is the most often used in this country, but the RAADS-R is the most reliable. They can be found here: https://embrace-autism.com/autism-tests/

    If your son scores in the autistic range it will help to make going through the assessment process more potentially useful.

  • What you say fits an autistic profile. The best way of ascertaining probable autism is for him to do an online autism test. The AQ50 (sometimes called the AQ) is the most often used in this country, but the RAADS-R is the most reliable. They can be found here: https://embrace-autism.com/autism-tests/

    If your son scores in the autistic range it will help to make going through the assessment process more potentially useful.

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