I just joined TikTok help’ “ why do men keep asking me to be their sugar babe, what does it mean?

Firstly does it cost to send text messages on TikTok? I didn’t think about that before replying to lots of different peoples messages. I only gave a thumbs up and said thanks nothing else.

but then I started to get several men saying would I be their sugar babe they said I will pay for all your bills and all you have to do is talk to me on here so I don’t get bored. Plus there’s somebody saying they’re Keanu Reeves with only two pictures and he wrote to me and said he thought I look nice and he said are you a fan I’m on here trying to get away from the fans and I thought why are you writing to me then that doesn’t make sense but I didn’t tell him that.  To my mind isn’t logical for Keanu Reeves if he didn’t want fans to put a picture of himself a start on TikTok which is a very popular site it makes no sense whatsoever so he’s not fooling me.

i’ve had about four different men say will I be there sugar babe and told me that they want me to just talk to them online over chat nothing sexual they’ve said just chat but then they don’t pick a subject they just keep going on about this Sugarbabes thing. So I wrote back to one saying I won’t be giving you any bank details if you wanna call me a sugar baby if I’m chatting to you on here if I’ve got time then call me what you like that’s your choice I said. I told them I never heard of it before I don’t even know what they’re talking about haven’t told them I’ve got autism. Anyway that’s none of their business I don’t understand if it was real why somebody a random stranger would want to stop talking to you but not really have anything to talk about and then start saying they wanna pay all your utility bills it makes no sense.

I just want to know what that is all about and do I get charged if I send messages I’ve looked at my bank account so for no money has been charged to me for chatting on TikTok but I hope I don’t now get a huge bill.  Does anyone know the answer please reply.

  • Sounds like you encountered a perv scam, these guys say they will buy you things and trick you into sending lewds or nudes they can have a knuckle shuffle over and then ghost you when they either get what they wanted or decide you are to much work to try to con. And they do it  because they're desperate and too cheap to go to an OnlyFans.
    It's like a phishing scam but for porn - and sometimes money (if they get as far as trying to reel you in later with a sop story), if you don't jump on their line with an "OMG yas Daddy" immediately they move on to the next target, that's how transparent their lie is, they don't even chase you because it's never about you and giving you anything, just what they can get out of it for themselves.

    How to avoid: Don't give away anything in your public profile that might clue them into thinking you are a woman, or even a femme NB, make your pfp Kermit the Frog or something. (You shouldn't have to do this, but it can be surreal fun watching the pervy DMs cut off dead in real time.)

    P.S. When I used to be more femme on the internet, and kept getting d*ck pics I'd go find my husband so I could send them one back. XD I'd put "No thanks, already got one!" And leave the exact context obscure to screw them up inside thier own brain, and serves 'em right too.
    Funny none of them were bi or else I'd have heard from them again after that.

  • A simple response of: "I'm Autistic. Please define 'sugar babe' and disclose all expected responses for this Social Contract, thanks."

    Please understand, absolutely NOTHING is free. Every exchange in the NeuroTypcial world is built on the Psychology of a system of Debt and Guilt. "All Magic Has A Price". 

    It's fair play so long as you understand what you owe someone in exchange and are willing to go along with. It's wise of you to ask here. 

    There is another game of power that is played between neurotypicals involving pretending to be confused. It creates anger for the opposition. If you are Genuinely Confused, do not engage. Anyone who can send you money has a type of Link to you and has incurred a Debt expecting a type of NT Response - and possibly a way to find you. So be careful. 

  • If someone says that they want you to be their sugar babe, it means they are creeps and that you should block them instantly.  Ditto if they ask for address, bank details etc

  • Unfortunately, ‘people’ will try and befriend you online, it doesn’t matter what platform. They send out mass messages to new users in the hope of getting there first, so they can scam you. 
    One of the first rules for messages like this, is to ignore. Never respond. If further messages come through from the same person, block them. 

    As far as sugar babies go, there are legitimate websites for that. Anyone serious about it would be registered on those, and they wouldn’t be looking on TikTok! Some men like to pay for women to buy nice things for themselves. For whatever reason, they enjoy it, and they want to do it. No one makes them, and they don’t get anything physical out of it. And it takes a certain type of woman to receive these payments. It’s not for everyone.

    Keep doing what your doing onTikTok and enjoy it. However, I would suggest you give yourself a time frame to be in there. Use your downtime to eat and take care of yourself. And please, don’t respond to those messages. Don’t explain anything to them. Don’t give them the time of day.

  • Try setting alarms on your phone before you start looking to remind you  to eat or have a break. Be careful as people can get addicted to social media and it often ends up having a negative impact on their mental health in the long run

  • Get something into you, please.

    And block those Abusers. 

  • Thank you for explaining that too me I am glad to know that.

  • I now weighed myself with my clothes on no shoes I am 8”12 I was 9”7 , I don’t want to lose weight I just forgot to eat.

  • A man said that he is Keanu Reeves and then there’s another one that’s joined me saying he’s Brad Pitt another famous people as well but I can’t remember the names on there was a famous wrestler but I never heard of him before. They’ve all started talking to me on these random men different ones, about eight I’ve said will I be there sugar babe I said all I have to do is talk to them and then they will forward me money for talking to them. I told them I’m not gonna give you my bank account and I won’t be giving you my bank number or anything like that. They’ve asked me to go onto some sort of chat that I’ve never heard of before it’s not WhatsApp it’s another thing. And the Keanu Reeves one I said you’re not speaking incorrect English and I’m not very good at English myself but I am doing an English class so I’m learning. He’s been spelling well not much spelling but his grammar is terrible and I said there’s no way you can be American if you’ve got bad grammar like you have and then I told him about suffixes prefixes I said you know there’s ways that we write to each other when we’re English or American I said and Keanu Reeves would’ve had to read many scrips so he’d have to be good at English to be able to do that. I said and why would Keanu Reeves wanna speak to me when I’m a nobody I’m not famous. I said one minute you’re telling me you’ve come on here to get away from your fans and now you’re trying to make conversation with somebody it’s not even a fan makes no sense I said. And he said if you come off this site and speak to me on either WhatsApp or this other thing can’t know what it is you said I will prove to you I’m the real Keanu Reeves but I can’t be bothered I don’t care even if he is looks a bit rough I think in his pictures doesn’t look like the Keanu Reeves are used to know on television but anyway I’m not interested even if he’s really angry so what I don’t care.  I’ve met famous people before and I remember somebody saying don’t you realise who that is I said so what it’s not God is he he’s only a famous person I don’t care I said and these were people awestruck by this famous person I’ve met many famous people but I don’t care I never think of the money different I said well you’re no different to anyone else you’re just a human being who happens to be well no I said it doesn’t mean anything to me which it doesn’t.

    I’ve joined TikTok because I’ve been doing lots of videos already I’ve been on there for three days and I’m enjoying it a lot and so far I have done 35 videos in 3 days I now have 804 people following me. and 435 likes. I love doing different voices and making videos and making original songs so for me it is perfect. I have been on it every day for 3 days. I noticed I get to sleep at 2pm. I have lost weight I forget to eat because I don’t want to stop. I feel I want to look at it and put videos on. I am very happy doing it. I enjoy it lots.#Goodonedk that is a link to my TicTok.

  • You don’t get charged for messages but definitely don’t give anyone your bank details, card details or any personal details. There are lots of hackers and scammers on social media looking to suck in the vulnerable and gullible. The fake celebrity messages are quite common, they’ll usually ask to be sent money because they’ve lost their luggage/been mugged etc. sounds like in your case with Keane reeves the account may be “cat fishing” which is where people are tricked into thinking they are talking to or in an online relationship with a certain person but it is actually someone else sending the messages or they send photos of a far more attractive person instead of photos of themself.  the sugar daddy/sugar baby thing may also be a scam, that is something that happens more often in real life than online I think. Wealthy middle aged men will essentially pay a young lady for their companionship (sometimes does go as far as sex) they will pay rent and bills and buy gifts for the young women. Many use it as a means of getting through university without incurring huge amounts of debt. If you receive any messages you’re not comfortable with just delete them. Look into ways that you can increase the privacy settings on your account. On Instagram I can only directly receive messages from followers , others go in a spam folder and you can switch messages off entirely in some situations