I’m mum to a newly diagnosed 16 year old autistic boy


My son has just got an autism diagnosis, and has autistic burnout.  He is high functioning and we realise he has been masking…. Not any more! As a parent I would appreciate any support or advice.

Many thanks 

  • Hi. You sound in a similar position to me. Years of my daughter hiding in her room and masking her symptoms until things built up too much resulting in two hospital stays. Our situation was extreme but I’m so relieved for the diagnosis. She’s 21. 

  • Thank you, Mrs Snooks. Your reply is really helpful.  He is hiding away in his room a lot, chilling and that seems to be helpful for him. 

    I’d be interested in your book suggestions, please.  Want to equip and empower myself as much as possible. 

  • Incredibly sorry to hear that he has autistic burnout. That must be awful for him and also terribly difficult for you to see. 

    I am an autistic adult and have had times in my life where I have been in the same position. 

    I would have a think about his sensory sensitivities and use those to help get him get better. And also whether he finds comfort in a particular environment. 

    When I am really burned out, I just shut myself somewhere quiet and listen to music. Shut the world out and just rest. 

    As I feel better I move on to getting out for short walks, listen to more music (because it is one of my favourite pastimes) and make sure I eat and sleep and have a routine. I also like to make lists and write down things I have achieved each day, even if it was something like wash my hair.

    I hope he feels better soon and that you all get some support. If you want any advice about books, then let me know.

    Take care,

    Mrs Snooks